Journey beyond the graveyard of desolate souls into the

Hallowed Haunting Grounds

We mourn the passing of our friend and inspiration,

Gary Corb

Gary was taken from us on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 by a sudden heart attack while on an Alaskan vacation with his husband Gary Stuart. We send our best supporting and healing energy out to all whose lives were changed by knowing him or being touched by his creative vision.

We will miss him forever.

For thirty-three years, during the Halloween season, there appeared at a home in Studio City, California a display of mysterious illusions. It was known as the Hallowed Haunting Grounds. Hundreds of very appreciated visitors made seeing the display a part of their annual traditions.

It is very sad that all things must pass, and this Halloween display was no exception. With extreme gratitude to neighbors for their patience, friends for their support, and families for their understanding, the hosts of the show moved on to other endeavors.

This web-site,, is being maintained by the show hosts for historical and correspondence purposes. Please feel free to contact us at the e-mail address below. Particularly appreciated is informaton about any available video or film of the show, or any images of the oldest displays.

Thank You

First Appearance: Wednesday, October 31, 1973

Final Manifestation: Monday, October 31, 2005

Last Website Update: September 23, 2018